Putting sustainability at the heart of the event...

As a small business, we instinctively deliver events which always aim to be zero-waste. We maximise budgets by building relationships with a huge range of other local small businesses, which always keeps carbon footprints low.
A bespoke and holistic approach to each event ensures that we considers the total journey of all aspects of it’s execution. This could be by hiring locally or buying with the intention of reusing, reselling, repurposing or giving away to local organisations. We regularly pass on items to local charities, hospitals, theatres and schools. Through collaboration with like-minded companies with short, controlled chains of command and production, we can ensure that high standards of sustainability and low waste are maintained.
We always remind our clients that the highest standards of sustainability and zero waste are only achieved with longer and realistic lead times and with healthy budgets. Last minute requests and unrealistic budgets pressure suppliers to cut corners and lead to sustainability and zero waste becoming compromised.

Currently most venues will have a Sustainability Policy in place. They can be helpful, but it’s necessary to consider the specific brief and budget to ensure it’s the best fit for the event’s purpose. So again, a bespoke approach considering the overview is needed to ensure maximum sustainability every time.
We always investigate each venue’s credentials and ask questions to check these are more than just marketing claims. Generally, the independently-owned venues with a reduced chain of command and clearly placed responsibilities find it easier to maintain both sustainable and ethical practice.